I mentioned in a post a few days ago that I used the song, "Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes What You See" in a lesson I did at a Bible Teacher's Workshop. I went into the other verses of the song as well, so from time to time, I will use them as posts. Today let's consider, "Oh, Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say".
I also mentioned in that same post to think about the Latin phrase, "Coram Deo", which means, "Before the face of God."
We say thousands of words a day, but what do we say with those words? How do we use our words? What do others hear when they are around us? Uplifting words? Clean words? Kind words? Dirty words? Unkind words? What words do we speak before the face of God?
The words we say can heal wounds, but our words can also tear others down. Just yesterday someone said something to my husband about his weight. Something very rude, actually! And even worse, this is the 2nd time someone has said something like this to him. Yes, he could loose some weight, but he knows that without anyone having to tell him, just like we all do if we need to loose some weight! Things like that are hurtful and what this person must not realize is that men have feelings, too. Would these men say something like this to a woman? Why say something like that to anyone?
I have to say that it was VERY hard for me to have self control about this yesterday. In fact, I would have called the person right then! But, my husband asked me not to and I won't. I did go for a long walk and prayed about it, of course. Now I'm writing about it because it goes so well with this topic and it makes my point so well!! I kept thinking yesterday of a momma bear trying to protect her cubs, although my husband's not one of my "cubs"....he's the daddy bear!
Yes, the words we say are so important. Our words can encourage and build people up; however, our words can discourage and even destroy people, as well. Within families we can build each other up (in an honest, truthful, and uplifting way - not with false flattery) like no one else can, and we can also destroy each other like no one else can.
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29
Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18
So, how should we use our words to God's glory and before His face? These verses tell us:
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer. Psalm 19:14
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6
Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrews 13:15
In the Bible, James talks about the tongue and how it is hard to control, but let's think of the tongue in a positive way. We can use our tongues for good. We can tell others about God. We can tell them about Jesus. We can share with them God's Word and tell them about salvation through Jesus. We can also use our mouths to speak kind and encouraging words to others who need to hear them.
So, how do you use your mouth and your words?
Before the face of God, we use our mouths.
"Oh, Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say. "
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
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Wow, that took some self-control to not say anything! Seems like we roll along for a while and are doing well, then something minor like that happens (major to the person it happens to) and it's hard to handle. Resist those darts. God will bless you!
Good post! I agree with it completly! and on the issue of weight...it goes the same way for thin people as well. Since I'm "skinny" people don't even think of it hurting my feelings when they say things like "You're thin as a rail!" "You need to eat more" "I need to go on the diet you're on!" and so on... I've even had people tell me that I look unhealthy. But because society "favors" skinnier people I guess they assume those words don't hurt. There are days when I would like to answer "You're thick as a tree trunk" "You need to eat less" "It's called exercise and watching what I eat" and "If I look unhealthy then what does that make you?" and see if that makes them feel good ;) But I would never do that. Instead I just smile and naively think (or hope) that they didn't mean for it to be hurtful.
When I lived in the Tipton Home, situations came up frequently when words were hurtful. Sometimes between house mates and sometimes with church members or town kids who didn't realize how sensitive and self conscious "home kids" can be about their situation.
And sarcastic people need to watch their words sometimes...people don't always know they are joking ;) (I have been on both side of that before!) I called a foreign exchange student, named Hannah, "Hannah Banana" and she thought I was making fun of her...not rhyming! oops!
Brandi, That is so true and I've never thought about the weight thing on the "thin" side. Thanks for those comments!
I am sad that you or any other child or young adult were ever made to feel bad for your situation while living at Tipton. I can not stand "home" kids and if any of them say it I "get on to them" in a kind way, of course.:) I didn't even realize that was an issue until about 6 months ago because I had never heard it and I've lived here almost 20 years!! Some day you should come talk to the kids here. I think you would have lots of encouraging things to say that they would appreciate. We'll work on that!
That culture thing probably would cause some problems that might be misunderstood!
Thanks, again.
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