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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What Would God Say About You?

When looking for a new king to take Saul's place, God chose David.  God said that David was, "A man after His own heart."  He wanted a king who would follow His will and do what He wanted him to do.

But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.” 
1 Samuel 13:14

21 Then the people asked for a king, and he gave them Saul son of Kish, of the tribe of Benjamin, who ruled forty years. 22 After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart;he will do everything I want him to do.’
Acts 13:21-22

David found favor in the eyes of the Lord, and so He was given a great compliment by God.  God didn't care that David was the youngest in His family.  God didn't look at the outward appearance - the way man looks at people.  God was looking at David's heart.  

Here are a few questions to ask yourself today:

1.  Can God compliment me?
2.  What am I doing that enables God to compliment me?
3.  Am I more concerned about my outward appearance and pleasing the world, or am I more concerned about my inward appearance - my heart - and being pleasing to God?

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
1 Samuel 16:7

God loves us unconditionally.  Nothing can take that away.  But He may not always be able to compliment us.  If we are not striving to do His will, but are continuing to do our own will, He won't find many reasons to compliment us.  If we aren't walking 'in the light' and trying to following in the footsteps of Jesus, we're walking in darkness.  There isn't much to compliment.

God wants to compliment us.  He wants to see that we are striving to walk in the light and live according to His word.  Yes, we may mess up.  In fact, we will mess up, but it's the continuing to try aspect He is looking for.  It's the perseverance...the not giving up.  That's what He can compliment!

(*Note: This devotional thought is based on a lesson from Phillip Johnson, who was with our congregation in October for a series of lessons.)

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