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Monday, March 15, 2010

Joy Robbers

In the past week there have been several negative things that have happened.  A few of the things have been personal in nature, but most have been problems in the lives of friends or acquaintances.  All of them would be classified as "Joy Robbers"....things that attempt to steal my joy.

I'll admit that when a few of the things happened, they did seem to steal my joy.  I was sad.  I cried.  A few of the times I was even angry. (This scripture came to mind:  "In your anger do not sin...." Psalm 4:4)  But, you know what?  After each of those things I prayed to God for strength.  I asked him to help me and take the sadness away.  I asked him to take the disappointment and anger away.  And He did strengthen me.  He did take my anger away.  And He's helping me work through my disappointment and sadness.

When I get to thinking about these things that attempted to rob my joy, I realize that true joy comes - not from what happens to me to or to my friends and acquaintances - but from within. I've shared this description of joy before, but feel the need to share it again:

Happiness or Joy?
Happiness is feeling good because of what happens to you.
Joy is a delight coming from within you.

1. Happiness is external. Joy is internal.
2. Happiness is based on chance. Joy is based on choice.
3. Happiness is based on circumstances. Joy is based on Christ.

In reality, the things that happened over the last week didn't rob my joy.  They robbed my happiness, not my joy.  I am the only one who can rob my joy.  (Satan is the accomplice.) I can chose to be joyful...or not.

Things may sadden me.  Things may disappointment me.  Things may anger me.  But, it's my choice as to how I allow all of those things to affect me. It's my choice if I allow those things to control me.

God is there to help me be joyful in all things.  Christ is the reason I can be joyful.  The Holy Spirit will help to cultivate the fruit of joy. "But the Fruit of the Spirit" Galatians 5:22

I like the words to this song, which is based upon the verse, Philippians 4:4:
Rejoice in the Lord always,
And again I say rejoice.
Rejoice in the Lord always,
And again I say rejoice.
Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice.
Rejoice! Rejoice! And again I say, Rejoice!

"Rejoice in the Lord always: again I will say, Rejoice" Philippians 4:4

1 comment:

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Sorry about that! You are exactly have a choice! And a God that is bigger than all the disappointments!

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