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Friday, August 17, 2012

Be Kind......Always

This quote came across Facebook a few days ago:

Always be kinder than you feel. - Unknown

It just so happened that day that I had a headache, allergies were in high gear, and it was the day before school started.....not a good combination.  I'm pretty sure I wasn't being kind at some points during the day.  In fact, I'm pretty sure I was just being plain grouchy!

After I read that quote myself, I read it to my kids.  They didn't understand until I explained it to them....explained my own circumstances of the headache, allergies, and the fact I don't like it when they  have to go back to school because I miss them being home.....all things that were making me grouchy.  Then they got it.  But then I had to explain something that I try to teach them all of the time.  I was ALLOWING those things to bother me and I was ALLOWING myself to be grouchy.  Those things can't MAKE me that way!  Hmmmmmm.......I suppose I wasn't "practicing what I preach" to well, was I?  Nope.  I wasn't.  So, I apologized to them and took an ibuprofen and allergy medicine :).

Sometimes it isn't easy to be kinder than we feel.  Sometimes we hurt physically.  Sometimes we hurt mentally.  Sometimes we hurt emotionally.  And sometimes we hurt spiritually.  We don't want to be kind.  We don't want to be loving and caring.  But we must.  We must because God is kind to us.

Even in our pain and trials, headaches and allergies, we may be the ONLY light someone may see.  If we're not shining brightly, we're missing a wonderful opportunity to share Christ with others.

Be kind.  Be kinder than you feel.  Always.

Shine Like Stars, friends!

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.
1 Thessalonians 5:15

1 comment:

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Yes, I think it is really hard to put on a happy face when you hurt! You can ONLY do it with God's help. I think about cheerful patients in the hospital.

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