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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Chronicles of Biscuit - Goat vs. Alligator

The Chronicles of Biscuit:  Stories about our youngest son, Tyler (age 7 1/2) whose nickname is Biscuit.
Yesterday my husband, Joe, and our two middle boys were in a field behind our house.  They were getting a goat ready to give to a friend. Biscuit was playing in the front yard. Our daughter was in the house helping me with supper.  They knew that after a little while all four children were going to walk their goats together.

Our local fair is next week so the goats are being walked daily now...learning to lead.  Without any help and without any of his siblings or his daddy around, Biscuit went out to the goat pen.  He caught his goat, "Mouse" and put a halter on her.  He walked Mouse up and down the field and set her up - all by himself.  First time ever.

My husband happened to look towards the goat pens, which were at the end of the field, and saw what Biscuit was doing.  He couldn't believe that Biscuit had actually caught the goat, plus haltered it and done everything he was supposed to.  He was very proud of Biscuit.  In fact, we were all very proud of Biscuit.

And then there was today.  What a difference a day makes!

Today Joe told all of our children to go walk their goats.  Biscuit became unhappy.  He wanted to play.  His older brother heard him say (as he went to get his shoes), "Who cares about that stinkin' goat?  I would rather show an alligator!".

So what made the difference between yesterday and today?  Attitude.  Biscuit's attitude was different yesterday because he had played outside a lot with his brothers.  Today the older brothers had been gone most all of the day with me.  Biscuit had stayed with our daughter, Lauren, and although they played together, the play time was different.  So this afternoon Biscuit wasn't "played out" and his attitude was different.

Do you ever have those days when something is fine and then the next day it isn't?  I sure do!  When were tired, hungry, concerned, rushed, etc.....our attitude can change in a flash!  But, we have to learn to control our attitudes, no matter how we may feel.  We still have to do what needs to be done, so it's our attitude that must change.
Don't worry.  Biscuit didn't get off the hook.  He had to go walk Mouse and we didn't give in to his desire to get an alligator!  Wonder what he'll say tomorrow?

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