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Thursday, April 19, 2012

It's Your Time to Bloom

Tuesday night I had the opportunity to speak at a Ladies' Night Out with the ladies of the Tamarack Road  church in Altus.  There were visitors from other congregations, as well.  The theme was, "It's Your Time to Bloom!" 
In the lesson, using the life cycle of a plant's life, I compared it to the life cycle of a woman's life.  The point of it all is that, no matter what stage of life you and I are in, we should be blooming.....serving God and following Christ. The part I especially want to mention is the "Motherhood" part.
The Tamarack ladies wanted a skit and I found a site that wrote skits. The problem was, I didn't find it until just the week before the event!  Thankfully, the sweet writer from was just as excited about writing the skit and I was in her writing it for us!  The way the site works is that you pay $10 for them to write the skit, then they make it available online for others to by.  If you are interested in the skit, which is based on the moms from Tim McElmore's book, "iY Generation", please visit Skits and Stuff.  Of course there are many other skits available on the site, as well.
What was so neat about the skit was that the Tamarack Road ladies only got it and worked on it Monday night!  The event was Tuesday! However, you would never have known they worked on it only one evening.  It worked out perfectly!
There is something special about being with your sweet sisters in Christ.  Thank you, ladies, for inviting me to share God's Word with you and be together with you for that special evening.

So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor.
1 Corinthians 3:7-8

1 comment:

Wa Wa Waughs said...

Oh, I've never known anyone who's used that before! You'll have to tell me more about it!

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