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Monday, November 8, 2010

LOL - Living Our Legacy

LOL typically stands for laugh out loud. It's a common to see at the end of a text, a Facebook message, or in typed messages and emails. But today I chose to name this lesson LOL – Living Our Legacy. Our legacy is nothing to laugh about, even though it may contain some funny moments or some funny stories. Our legacy is serious. It's of utmost importance.

Our legacy is how we will be remembered when we are gone. It's more than our name being remembered. There are people that have passed before us that have done great things and we remember their name and name recognition is easy.

Ernest Hemingway is known for writing. How about Mother Teresa? She is known for her compassion, mercy, working with the down and out. Not every name is going to leave a positive legacy. Judas, Jezebel, Osama bin Laden.

But, some people – we don't even recognize their names – we just recognize what they did:. They did something that is remembered.

Do you recognize the name Larry La Prize? He wrote the Hokey Pokey and died in 1996. (On a side note:  When he died, every time they tried to stick his left foot in the casket, he kept putting it out. NOT REALLY....that's a joke.  My husband really likes that joke :) Larry La Prize wrote the Hokey Pokey That’s what he’s famous for and that is his legacy.

Ask yourselves these questions today: What would you do if you had one month to live? How would your life be different? Who would you spend time with? How would you think differently?

You and I can use how we live our life as an opportunity to shape the rest of our life. We can use the time that we’ve got left to shape our legacy. You and I will leave a legacy.

But these are the questions we need to ask ourselves:

What type of legacy will I leave?

How do I want to be remembered?

Will I leave a positive legacy?

Will I leave a good legacy?

Will it be a God honoring legacy?

Am I leaving behind a great legacy of myself, or am I leaving a legacy for Christ?

 “Teach us to make the most of our time, so that we may grow in wisdom.”
Psalm 90:12

We will look more into this idea of "Living Our Legacy" in the next few days.

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