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Sunday, November 14, 2010

LOL - Living Our Legacy - Part 6

LOL - Living Our Legacy (Part 6) 
(To see other posts in this series, click Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5)

Opening gifts is fun, isn't it?  So, let's open another gift for our Christian home. This gift truly is a gift. It's the gift of WORSHIP.

Worshiping God is a gift – especially here in America – because we have the freedom to worship, without fear of harm. But, worship doesn't have to be, and actually shouldn't be, limited to the walls of the a certain building or limited to one or two days a week. Worship should be part of our lives each and every day.

When you have children in your home, they see your example. They know if you are spending time in Bible study and in prayer. They see what fills up your time. But, when you take the time to worship God daily, through prayer, through study and meditation, and let them in on that worship, they are learning to worship God daily. They're not seeing just a “two or three times a week and I'm done” attitude about worshiping Our Heavenly Father. And, when they see you being a servant as we've already talked about, you're setting the example of Jesus before their eyes. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, neighbors, co-workers – all of them can be examples of this and you can be that example to others.

Of course, it's important to worship with your church family. Jesus established the church for a reason and for a purpose. As Christians, we are each of us are a part of that purpose. And part of that purpose it to be workers in the kingdom. Another part of it is to encourage each other. So, don't neglect that part of worshipping together with your Christian family, but don't neglect God at home, either.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.
Romans 12:1
Live a legacy of daily worship.

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