I always thank Jacob for being the smallest. Why? Because out of all four children, he is the only one that wasn't induced. Originally my due date was May 26, but the doctor changed it to June 1st. I think that the first date was right, he was just smaller from the start and it threw it off! So, after being late with the other two births, I didn't expect anything different this time.
That whole day I felt strange, but went ahead and worked at my part-time job. After all, I worked for an ophthalmologist and in his residency he had to deliver babies, so I would tease him that he might have to deliver one of mine! I'm pretty sure he was thankful that never happened! At the end of that work day, my husband went to his parents to pick up our oldest two children. We all went out to eat with my parents before Wednesday night Bible classes, but I wasn't hungry.
After we got home that evening and got the kids in bed, I told my husband I was feeling strange. Things progressed slowly until 11:45 p.m., then it went fast! We decided we should head to the hospital. We woke up the kids. A funny thing is that my husband started filling up the kid's juice cups, like we did in the mornings if she was going to keep them! I said during contractions, "WOULD YOU COME ON! YOUR MOM HAS JUICE!!" We got to my in-laws, just a few minutes away. My mother-in-law (who has 6 children - 1 set of twins) wanted to go with us. She was afraid I would deliver on the way, since it was an hour to the hospital in Lawton! We assured her we would be fine, so she stayed behind.
Out of town we were stopped by a highway patrolman. Of course, we were speeding (don't any other time) because of the urgency of impending birth. In fact, we couldn't get there fast enough, in my opinion! The patrolman quickly released us. I suppose he didn't want to be responsible for a car-birth! He called ahead to others and let them know what we were driving and why we were speeding. Outside of Lawton, there were grass fires all over the mountains. I was still in pain every few minutes, but my husband enjoyed the scenery: Him: "Isn't that neat looking?" Me: "YES. CAN'T YOU GO FASTER???!!!"
Well, we finally made it! My water broke in the hospital elevator and they took me up to the OB floor....and weighed me! Me: "YOU HAVE TO WEIGH ME?" Them: "Yes." Can you believe that? After stepping on the scales every month for 8 months, then weekly for one month, the baby (we didn't know if it was a boy or girl at that time - never found out with the first three) was about to plop out and they wanted to know how much I weighed!
They told me I was too close to delivery to have an epidural. After being induced the two times before, I had an epidural after dilating half-way or so. Honestly, the thought of going through the birth naturally scared me. I admit it, my pain tolerance is pretty low! My husband said, "She can't do it!" He was worried about the pain for me without an epidural. I said, "Yes I can!" They said I would deliver within an hour, but it wasn't until 3:15 that Jacob Blake was born. It was an easy delivery compared to the others because it was not induced. Without an epidural, I was especially thankful Jacob was small! I tell him that from time to time and he always thinks that's neat. He takes great pride in his "birth" story!
Thank you, God, for Jacob and for his eleven years of life! Children are a gift from God.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14
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