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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Rejoice in the Lord - Always!

Sunday night, as I scrolled through Facebook, I kept seeing postings about people who had decided to give their lives to Jesus - putting Him on in baptism, having their sins washed away.  I don't know how many people I read about....maybe 20....but it was people from all over the United States.

Yesterday I read about a lady who is working in a prison ministry and has taught 44 ladies there about Jesus using the book "A Muscle and a Shovel" by Michael Shank.  All 44 of them did the same or were restored....repenting of their sins and turning their lives and hearts back to Him.What a wonderful thing it is when the Lord adds people to the church or causes their heart to be pricked to turn back to Him!!

Mr. Shank's sequel to "A Muscle and a Shovel" is called, "When Shovels Break". It will be released in January 2015, but is about Mike's friend who became a Christian, but then turned back to his old life.  He almost committed suicide because he felt so unworthy of Christ's love and forgiveness. He was hopeless. He didn't feel like he could ever be redeemed because of his return to sin and didn't feel like God would even want him back.

Many feel that same way - that they've gone too far into the depths of sin.  Nothing is further from the truth! God can redeem the lost and those who walk away!  He will forgive, and He does!

I can't wait to read that story.  I'm sure it will direct many more souls to Jesus, pointing them to the truth found in God's Word.

Jesus' disciples are still fishing, just as they did 2,000 years ago! They are fishing for men and women, not fish!

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Philippians 4:4

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