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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

all in a day's work...

For the past week and a half, my husband has had a unique work crew along with him. This group of men is in town working at Tipton Home in their volunteer work as Sojourners.  I mentioned their wives in last week's Ladies' Salad Supper post.
The men range in age from 65 to 75 and come from New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas.  Each has a unique personality and a unique past, but are working together, as a group of Christians, at Tipton Home for a common goal:  to help children.
The men have helped clean up the barn and farm area during their time in Tipton.  I think my husband would keep them for as long as they would like to stay!  He said: "If everybody worked as hard as these men do, there wouldn't be enough work to go around." They like to work!  It's their mission!

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
Colossians 3:23-24
One man, who never takes the regular breaks, climbed up on top of the pig house being torn apart. He held a sledge hammer in his hands and began "slamming". My husband was a little concerned about him being up there and said, "You think you might ought to get down?"
He said, "No. I'm fine!" and kept on swinging. As my husband told me this story, I thought - and said, "That will be you when you're 75, won't it?" Yes, it will. I know it will! And I'll be the one suggesting for him to get down from there! And he won't listen, either!
(They've seen a few snakes at the barn.  This one was dead (thankfully!)

Thank you, Sojourners, for taking the time to come to Tipton Home and work, but thank you even more for sharing in the lives of the children and for setting them a great example of Christian service.  During their stay they play games and do crafts with the children.  They get involved in their lives.
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