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Monday, April 12, 2010

The Chronicles of Biscuit - "I Want to Spend Time With Dad"

(The Chronicles of Biscuit - stories about our youngest child, Tyler - whose nickname is "Biscuit")

Last week my husband told me about a conversation he and Biscuit had earlier in the day.  Biscuit said, "Dad, some day I want Mom, Lauren, Zachary, and Jacob to all go somewhere and it just be you and me at home."  My husband asked Biscuit what they would do.  He said they would play, and eat some popcorn, and watch a movie.  We talked about how the older three children probably do get more one on one time with my husband than Biscuit does, so we would try to fulfill his request some time soon. 

We also thought it was neat that Biscuit would rather stay home than go anywhere.  That's how he is.  When we were at Disney World a few summers ago, the first three days all Biscuit wanted to do is go home....from Disney World!  We couldn't believe it!  By the end of the trip he was enjoying it and was even sad to leave when vacation was over.  Mostly, though, Biscuit is a home-body - and that's okay with us.

Later on in the week, I was able to talk to Biscuit about his request for "time with Dad".  I said, "Biscuit, I heard that you want me, Lauren, Zachary, and Jacob to go somewhere and just stay home with Dad?"  He said, "Mom, I still love you, but I just want to be with Dad for a little while."  Laughing inside, I told him I thought it was a great idea and that we would try to find a time we could do that soon....which is hard with all of the older kid's activities.  But, we should be able to find a night before too long.

"I just want to spend time with Dad."  Do you ever say that?  Not time with your earthly father (which is great, too), but time with your Heavenly Father?  Do you long for and plan for alone, quiet times where you can spend time talking to Him, reading His Word, and meditating on those scriptures?  We should all want that time and make time to get that time with Him. It should be something we desire to do - not something we count as a chore.

Time with "Dad" is important to a child and his/her developement.  Time with our spiritual "Dad" is even more important.

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Psalm 63:1b

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