Sunday we had Thanksgiving lunch after morning class and worship, followed by an afternoon worship. These days give families a block of time to do things on Sunday afternoon that are different from the regular "evening worship" schedules with the hours broken up into afternoon and evening. For our family, we've been using those afternoons to rest and get caught up.

This time we decided to go somewhere. We headed to the Wildlife Refuge and later ate at Meers. (Which, in our opinion, isn't the same as it used to be. The cobbler and ice cream made up for it in my husband and older son's opinion!).

It was a cool, overcast day with a lot of wind, but it was still pretty being out in nature at the Refuge.
The flash on the camera actually provided a mock "sunlight" that caused the pretty colors of the trees and bushes to stand out.

We toured the Refuge Visitor's Center, checking out the buffalo and other exhibits.
We went to the Holy City, which our youngest had never been to and the next oldest didn't remember because he was really young when he was there before.
Just being at the place where Christ's death, burial and resurrection is reenacted each year is inspirational. It was good to look at the places they have and see how the Bible story moves along the City's landscape. I am sure it is wonderfully done each year (It's done every Easter.).
We drove up to the top of Mt. Scott to look around. It was extremely windy and very cold! Jacob was the only brave one who looked for a little while! The rest of us headed to the care quickly!
It was a fun day, with just the four of us. That's so different than being "the six of us" or even "the five of us"! It was special, though, and good for the boys, especially the youngest. So many of the things we "used to do" happened when he was not yet born or when he was young enough that he doesn't remember. He's done special things - maybe even "bigger" things - but I want him to experience the little things. Special days where we just spend time together....not much money....just time. Making memories.
1 comment:
Sounds fun! I agree with you about the restaurant. Not as fun as it used to be. Yes, our youngest claims not to have remembered a lot of things so it's good to keep doing the little things even if you feel like you already did it with the kids...
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