Friday, June 5, 2009
Become a Child
I hope you don't mind all of the baseball-themed devotional thoughts. Since that's where most of our evenings are spent these days with three boys playing, that's where my mind is a lot of the time! But, the baseball field also provides me with a lot of devotional material - some positive and some negative.
Tonight, in the tee ball game right before Tyler's, the game was very close. I could tell it was close, even without a working scoreboard. How, you ask? Because of the attitude of one of the coaches and some of the fans. You know, most of the kids on both teams at the tee ball age really don't seem to have a clue about who is winning and who is loosing. They're just having fun - which is what it is (or should be at that age) all about. It would be good for all adults at the tee ball field to have the same attitude the children have.
Jesus told His disciples to be more like children, too. Look at the following passage:
Becoming like children by humbling ourselves is what Jesus wanted from His disciples and what He desires from all of His children.
It's always interesting at tee ball games. The bleachers and sidelines are filled with parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, watching their littles ones playing. Everyone has high expectations - wanting their child to be the best and do their best. But, as the boys and girls get older, there are fewer and fewer fans watching from the sidelines. And little by little the children grow up, all the time learning and changing until they are adults themselves. But Jesus doesn't say change and become more like adults, He says, "change and become like little children".
Let's become like a child. That's the attitude Jesus wants us to have.
Tonight, in the tee ball game right before Tyler's, the game was very close. I could tell it was close, even without a working scoreboard. How, you ask? Because of the attitude of one of the coaches and some of the fans. You know, most of the kids on both teams at the tee ball age really don't seem to have a clue about who is winning and who is loosing. They're just having fun - which is what it is (or should be at that age) all about. It would be good for all adults at the tee ball field to have the same attitude the children have.
Jesus told His disciples to be more like children, too. Look at the following passage:
He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
"And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me. But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Matthew 18:2-5
Becoming like children by humbling ourselves is what Jesus wanted from His disciples and what He desires from all of His children.
It's always interesting at tee ball games. The bleachers and sidelines are filled with parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, watching their littles ones playing. Everyone has high expectations - wanting their child to be the best and do their best. But, as the boys and girls get older, there are fewer and fewer fans watching from the sidelines. And little by little the children grow up, all the time learning and changing until they are adults themselves. But Jesus doesn't say change and become more like adults, He says, "change and become like little children".
Let's become like a child. That's the attitude Jesus wants us to have.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Happy Birthday, Jacob!

I always thank Jacob for being the smallest. Why? Because out of all four children, he is the only one that wasn't induced. Originally my due date was May 26, but the doctor changed it to June 1st. I think that the first date was right, he was just smaller from the start and it threw it off! So, after being late with the other two births, I didn't expect anything different this time.
That whole day I felt strange, but went ahead and worked at my part-time job. After all, I worked for an ophthalmologist and in his residency he had to deliver babies, so I would tease him that he might have to deliver one of mine! I'm pretty sure he was thankful that never happened! At the end of that work day, my husband went to his parents to pick up our oldest two children. We all went out to eat with my parents before Wednesday night Bible classes, but I wasn't hungry.
After we got home that evening and got the kids in bed, I told my husband I was feeling strange. Things progressed slowly until 11:45 p.m., then it went fast! We decided we should head to the hospital. We woke up the kids. A funny thing is that my husband started filling up the kid's juice cups, like we did in the mornings if she was going to keep them! I said during contractions, "WOULD YOU COME ON! YOUR MOM HAS JUICE!!" We got to my in-laws, just a few minutes away. My mother-in-law (who has 6 children - 1 set of twins) wanted to go with us. She was afraid I would deliver on the way, since it was an hour to the hospital in Lawton! We assured her we would be fine, so she stayed behind.
Out of town we were stopped by a highway patrolman. Of course, we were speeding (don't any other time) because of the urgency of impending birth. In fact, we couldn't get there fast enough, in my opinion! The patrolman quickly released us. I suppose he didn't want to be responsible for a car-birth! He called ahead to others and let them know what we were driving and why we were speeding. Outside of Lawton, there were grass fires all over the mountains. I was still in pain every few minutes, but my husband enjoyed the scenery: Him: "Isn't that neat looking?" Me: "YES. CAN'T YOU GO FASTER???!!!"
Well, we finally made it! My water broke in the hospital elevator and they took me up to the OB floor....and weighed me! Me: "YOU HAVE TO WEIGH ME?" Them: "Yes." Can you believe that? After stepping on the scales every month for 8 months, then weekly for one month, the baby (we didn't know if it was a boy or girl at that time - never found out with the first three) was about to plop out and they wanted to know how much I weighed!
They told me I was too close to delivery to have an epidural. After being induced the two times before, I had an epidural after dilating half-way or so. Honestly, the thought of going through the birth naturally scared me. I admit it, my pain tolerance is pretty low! My husband said, "She can't do it!" He was worried about the pain for me without an epidural. I said, "Yes I can!" They said I would deliver within an hour, but it wasn't until 3:15 that Jacob Blake was born. It was an easy delivery compared to the others because it was not induced. Without an epidural, I was especially thankful Jacob was small! I tell him that from time to time and he always thinks that's neat. He takes great pride in his "birth" story!
Thank you, God, for Jacob and for his eleven years of life! Children are a gift from God.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
How's Your Heart?
In the past few days, two people close to us have had heart attacks. One is my sister's father-in-law, who is stable, but will be undergoing triple bypass surgery in the next few days. The other is a woman in her early fifties. Her's was mild and will hopefully not require surgery.
Each day we wake up is a gift from God. We may have troubles, struggles, pain, and sorrow, but it is still a gift He has given us. But, we never know when we wake up what the day will bring. Neither of these two people woke up and expected to have a heart attack. In fact, neither of them had ever had any heart trouble before.
Of course we want a healthy heart, physically, but what is more important is the condition of our spritual heart. So, how's your heart? Is it spiritually healthy? Does it belong to God? If not, just like we taught in our "The Great Physician" VBS last week, Jesus can heal your heart.
Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Proverbs 4:23
Teach me your way, O LORD, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. Psalm 86:11-12
Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Kindness on the Tee Ball Field
Note: Be sure to vote on the June fun poll: "What's your favorite candy bar?"

Be kind to one another...Ephesians 4:32
Last Saturday we were waiting for Tyler's (a.k.a. "Biscuit") tee ball game to start. While watching the two teams playing before him, we saw an act of kindness that was really cute and even sacrificial.
A little boy was on 1st base. His teammate hit the ball and he began running to 2nd. On his way there, the ball was right in his path, but instead of jumping over it, the little boy leaned down and got the ball. Then he did something amazing! He handed the ball to the 2nd baseman! Fans of both teams roared in laughter watching the little boy's act of kindness. It was soooooo sweet! Unfortunately, he was called out. I wish they would have just left him on second base, but I don't think he had a clue what had happened, anyway!
Sometimes in our acts of kindness helping others, we may have to sacrifice something. It may be that we give up our time to help someone in need. Maybe we give money to help someone else, when we really don't have much to spare. Or maybe we offer our talents to help someone who is struggling with getting something accomplished. True kindness is helping someone unconditionally and unselfishly.
Of course, this little tee ball player didn't even comprehend what he did, but he showed kindness by helping someone else. Jesus went to the cross, knowing what He was about to go through. He willingly died for us - and he did it unconditionally and unselfishly. This was true kindness. True kindness in which He was willing to sacrifice His life for us.
A little boy was on 1st base. His teammate hit the ball and he began running to 2nd. On his way there, the ball was right in his path, but instead of jumping over it, the little boy leaned down and got the ball. Then he did something amazing! He handed the ball to the 2nd baseman! Fans of both teams roared in laughter watching the little boy's act of kindness. It was soooooo sweet! Unfortunately, he was called out. I wish they would have just left him on second base, but I don't think he had a clue what had happened, anyway!
Sometimes in our acts of kindness helping others, we may have to sacrifice something. It may be that we give up our time to help someone in need. Maybe we give money to help someone else, when we really don't have much to spare. Or maybe we offer our talents to help someone who is struggling with getting something accomplished. True kindness is helping someone unconditionally and unselfishly.
Of course, this little tee ball player didn't even comprehend what he did, but he showed kindness by helping someone else. Jesus went to the cross, knowing what He was about to go through. He willingly died for us - and he did it unconditionally and unselfishly. This was true kindness. True kindness in which He was willing to sacrifice His life for us.
Be kind to one another...Ephesians 4:32
The Chronicles of Biscuit - Brotherly Love
Tonight we arrived home from ballgames about 9:30 p.m. Since the older two children have basketball camps in the morning, they were in bed by 10:00. The youngest (6 yrs.), Biscuit, asked if he and his brother (9 yrs.), Jacob, could stay up late. Usually that's a Friday night treat, but this Saturday the boys have baseball games, so they will have to be in bed earlier. I told him he would have to ask his dad when he got back from checking on our baby goats.
When Biscuit's dad got home, he said, "Dad, Jacob and I voted, and we picked midnight for our bedtime." Biscuit's dad replied, "Oh, you did?". Biscuit said, "Yep!". He walked out and my husband and I talked about how tonight would be okay for them to stay up late, but I thought they might want to pull out the sofa bed, just in case they fell asleep. So I yelled (yes, we yell around here :)...but this was in a kind, lazy way!) "Jacob!" Biscuit heard me and said, "Mom, don't get Jacob in trouble!" He was afraid that Jacob was in trouble and it would ruin their plan.
Their vote passed both parents. Instructions were given to be in bed by 12:00 midnight - they didn't want to sleep all night on the sofa bed. They put in a movie and asked if they could make popcorn. I was already going to post about brotherly love, but when I went into the living room and saw something really sweet, I knew I needed a picture. They might not ever believe me in 20 years if I didn't take a picture to prove it! Of course, these two have their fusses and squabbles, but for tonight and hopefully for many years to come, they can be the best of friends.
When Biscuit's dad got home, he said, "Dad, Jacob and I voted, and we picked midnight for our bedtime." Biscuit's dad replied, "Oh, you did?". Biscuit said, "Yep!". He walked out and my husband and I talked about how tonight would be okay for them to stay up late, but I thought they might want to pull out the sofa bed, just in case they fell asleep. So I yelled (yes, we yell around here :)...but this was in a kind, lazy way!) "Jacob!" Biscuit heard me and said, "Mom, don't get Jacob in trouble!" He was afraid that Jacob was in trouble and it would ruin their plan.
Their vote passed both parents. Instructions were given to be in bed by 12:00 midnight - they didn't want to sleep all night on the sofa bed. They put in a movie and asked if they could make popcorn. I was already going to post about brotherly love, but when I went into the living room and saw something really sweet, I knew I needed a picture. They might not ever believe me in 20 years if I didn't take a picture to prove it! Of course, these two have their fusses and squabbles, but for tonight and hopefully for many years to come, they can be the best of friends.

To see what others are grateful for today, visit as Laura hosts "Gratituesday".
Update: At 11:45, both boys decided they were too sleepy to stay up until midnight. They went straight to bed. It's thundering and lightening so they wanted to sleep together. In Biscuit's twin bed!
Sweet dreams, my sweet boys!
By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. John 13:35
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