Immediately after school is out, our congregation begins our annual Vacation Bible School. Usually it falls on the Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after Memorial Day, but this year it is a week before, due to the way the May calendar falls.
This year's VBS theme is Jungle Journey - Exploring the Nature of God. What a great topic and focus for VBS!! To go along with the "jungle" theme, I chose to decorate my 1st and 2nd grade classroom in monkeys.
Each day the lesson focuses on a specific quality of God. Each lesson inspires those who hear God and learn how he works in the lives of people.Thursday's lesson is Psalm 23, "The Lord is my Shepherd.) The focus is on God our Shepherd..
Wednesday's lessons are about Abraham and Isaac. God asks Abraham to sacrifice his own son. Just as Abraham is about to obey and kill his son, an angel of the Lord tells Abraham to stop. Then he provided a ram for the sacrifice. The focus today is on "God, our Provider."
God helped the Israelites with an unusual victory over the Amalekites. As long as Moses held his staff up in the air, they would win the battle. Soon Moses got tired. Two men came to the recuse and held Moses arms up over his head. This is one of Wednesday's stories with the focus on God, our Strength..
Day 1 - today, was spent on learning about Day 1 - 7 in creation, as well as about Adam, Eve and the first sin. The focus was "God, our Creator".
This is a black light story about Creation I share with you about a year ago. Children love black light stories!

This picture is blurry, but I was trying to get a picture of the lights on the fake tree and hanging in the room.. It's kind of neat looking.
More pics from myVBS room.
The hallway...decorated BEAUTIFULLY!!
God Created Me crafts. Each student made their own little person.
Each of these statements are the nature of God. He's our Creator, our Father, our Shepherd, our Strength, and our Provider.
Tyler posed for a safari picture. It's been great having him in my VBS for the first time this year! It's been great, too, having Lauren and Zachary for my helpers. They've done a great job!
Genesis 1:1: In the Beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Nelly, as well, as all of the students made marshmallows. While melting the marshmallows and butter/margarine, add food coloring to make the mixture blue and green. Mix popcorn with marshmallow mixture and stir. The proportions of popcorn and sticky marshmallow aren't exactly what they should have been, but all of the children seems to enjoy their times play.
These monkeys are the children's attendance. Each day that a child attends, they are given a banana sticker.
Eve believed the serpent (Satan) and she ate of the fruit that God has said NOT to eat. Eve shared the fruit with Adam. Sin entered the world.
1 comment:
Everything looks so cute!!!
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