At this time last year I was busy helping with my nieces' wedding planned for last July. We were getting flowers ready and working on wedding and reception decor. Weddings take a lot of planning to make it a memorable occasion that is the perfect day for the bride and groom. Can you imagine how chaotic it would be to go to a wedding where no preparations had been made? It would be a disaster!
Jesus told a parable about a wedding banquet where some of the wedding party was not prepared. Read "The Parable of the Ten Virgins" in Matthew 25:1-13. Five of the virgins were prepared and wise. They filled their lamps with oil, anticipating the bridegroom's arrival. But, unfortunately, the other five were not prepared. They were foolish. When the call came that the bridegroom was coming, they had no oil in their lamps. How sad that they missed the bridegroom!
This parable represents Jesus coming back. We don't know when that day will be. In fact, the Bible tells us that even Jesus, himself, doesn't know when that day will be (see verse below). Only God, the Father, knows that day.
We want to be prepared for that day, don't we? God's Word tells us exactly how to prepare for THAT DAY and it is the ONLY source of what is true and right.
"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour."
Matthew 25:13
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Matthew 24:36
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