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Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Annual Teen Valentine Banquet and Scavenger Hunt 2016

Every year we host a Valentine's Banquet and scavenger hunt around Valentine's Day for our church youth group.  It's always fun because there are always new kids involved every year, but this year might have been the highest number of new kids we have had in many, many years - or perhaps, ever!  It's been a blessing to have our youth group grow over the past year and we pray that it continues to do so.
This year we were able to start the "hunt" a few hours earlier because we had an afternoon, after lunch, worship service in place of the evening worship service.  Because it was light outside, we were able to add new things to the scavenger hunt list.  Many things were service projects: Taking the trash out and taking the can to the street for pick up day the next day.
....and singing to someone over 90 years old!  This sweet man turned 98 yesterday!
....unloading someone's dishwasher....
....washing someone's windows....
....and fun things, too, such as getting a picture with everyone in the air at the same time (I missed it thinking I got it!).
The hunt was followed by the "banquet". The teens are "served" their food.  They are instructed to remain seated, though many feel awkward not clearing the table and taking their things to the trash!  We sweetly reminded them that we were serving them! :)
The evening ended with singing and a devotional (top picture).  My husband also talked to them about using God's name only in the right way - not in vain.  He talked to them about how important it is to use the word "holy" for only holy things: God is holy.  Many things we hear the word holy being used for are unholy, for sure.  Then he went on to the devotional time, telling them to notice people...specifically to notice people who are hurting.  We sometimes get too busy to notice those who may be hurting that are all around us.  

It was a great evening and a great time for the teens to grow closer together.  We are thankful for the adults who helped us with the evening, by driving the scavenger hunt groups around.  And to those who allowed the teens to enter their homes for the hunt items and activities.  It's fun for them, as well!  

1 comment:

Wa Wa Waughs said...

I always love seeing your scavenger hunt pictures! Love it that you get in a little teaching time with the kids as well!

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