My husband's work place (Tipton Home) was given tickets to see the Globetrotters last night in Wichita Falls. Because he had a board meeting, he wasn't able to take our three boys, so I volunteered to take them. Our daughter was busy working/watching basketball games, so she couldn't attend, either.
I had seen the Globetrotters as a child, so I was excited for the boys to see them. I picked them up after school and we headed for Texas. Of course, being boys, they were only interested in shopping at one place before we ate or headed to the game - Academy Sports. We looked around and the youngest found a few things he needed, before going to eat.
I let the boys choose where to eat. One of them suggested Olive Garden. My husband had given me an Olive Garden gift card for Christmas, so that made it an even better suggestion. (Although, maybe Joe intended for me to invite him when I used the gift card????!) Anyway, the as the waitress seated us, she asked if we wanted a table or a booth. The boys said a booth. I love what middle-son, Jacob (12 years old), asked as we sat down at the booth. "Mom, if you were going to propose to someone, would you want to set at a booth or a table?" The oldest, Zachary, and I both agreed that a booth might be better for privacy.
My heart swelled with pride that Jacob's mind was thinking of sweet proposal ideas! Not that I'm wanting him to propose to anyone any time soon, mind you, but that he actually has a plan and some ideas. Because his daddy did not.....but I'll save that post for another time! :)
We headed to see the Globetrotters, meeting up with the rest of the Tipton Home group. The Globetrotters are talented, fun, and entertaining. The boys, as well as all of our group, enjoyed the show. Afterwards, we stood in line to get a few autographs with some players.
Date night with the boys was special. I love getting the opportunity to spend time with all of them together or with my daughter by herself, or each of the boys, individually. I know they'll be grown up before too long and I will miss those times, but I hope they always remember the special times. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate. Just time spent together making memories. Talking, sharing, laughing, and learning....
Thank you, God, for my children!
Demons Today? (ConvoM07E04)
3 days ago
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