Biscuit plays some sort of a ball game every day. Those of you who know him well or have read this blog long already know this fact. Currently Biscuit's daily games are baseball games - Texas Ranger baseball games, in particular.
Biscuit is dedicated to his make-believe pro-baseball career. He has a manager and a coach - usually his brother, Jacob. In this picture, you can see that Jacob is interviewing Biscuit. It had something to do with the recent All Star game, which is why Biscuit it all decked out in his suit instead of his baseball duds. You can't see it, but he's barefoot. That's most likely because he couldn't find his black dress shoes (as was the case this Sunday morning as he was getting dressed for worship.)
Biscuit is dedicated. He takes his make-believe pro-baseball career serious (perhaps too serious, at times). He's dedicated to something that is fun for kids and fun for he and his brothers (and sister, too, sometimes.) He's dedicated to something that is part real and part make-believe, but it's still a dedication. And, yes, sometimes it borders on the extreme and we have to gently guide him to remind him that it is all just for fun and that life isn't all about baseball.
But, even though Biscuit's dedication is about something that's all in play, I still admire the way he acts about it. He spends time getting prepared for the game, making lines and dugouts, gathering his equipment, getting his clothes just right, and making out his schedule and his lineup. To him it's a job! He works hard and strives to do his best.
Yes, Biscuit is dedicated.
What about you? What are you dedicated to? All of us are dedicated to something. Hopefully it's to something more than just a make-believe baseball game. But's doing whatever we're doing with a dedication that we are striving to glorify God. That we are dedicated in our service to Him and that we are dedicated to living for Jesus.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
1 comment:
What a good Mom you are, letting them use your Cool Whip for that!!! It's interesting to me that you used the word, DEDICATION today. I saw a poster in Mardel recently had the 3 D's of Success: Desire, ? and Dedication. I wish I could remember the middle one. But I thought about how I want to lose 10 pounds. I have the desire but not the dedication. :(
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