Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy 17th Birthday, Lauren!

How can it be that I'm posting about our oldest child's 17th birthday????  It seems like it was only yesterday we were bringing Lauren home from the parents not sure about parenting, but excited about learning.  And now look:  She's all grown up and will be graduating and going off to college in less than two years!
Usually on Lauren's birthday or right around there, the kids are showing their goats at the Oklahoma State Fair, but this year Lauren asked her dad if they could change the tradition and go to the Rangers' baseball game on her actual birthday.  Of course he said yes!  And, of course we had to eat at Pappasito's before the game because that's tradition, too!  (Free dessert for your birthday is always good!  She shared with the rest of us :).
It just so happened that the Rangers clinched the AL Division Championship the night before we were to go to the game.  The banner was already in place and a flag was raised in celebration of the event.
Lauren held up a sign several times during the game.  Once she even was shown on the BIG video screen!  Here is the cameraman getting her on tape and.... she is on the big screen!!  How exciting!  (Not quite as exciting as being "Fan of the Game" last year, of course!)
Lauren dreams of working as a sports commentator/journalist....with the ultimate goal of working with the Rangers' team during a lot of her career.  Here she is "dreaming of that career"! :)

Lauren's dreams may very well become a reality, but in a few years she may change her dreams.  When I was her age, I wanted to sing at Lubbock Christian (college then, now university), get a degree in Home Economics, and teach in a high school.  That was my goal for several years.  However, things changed. 

I was dating Lauren's dad and we married the year after I graduated from high school. At that time, I wanted four boys - no girls.  However, six years into our marriage, we were blessed with a little girl!  God had other plans for our family!  I'm thankful that He did.  I can't imagine life without our special daughter.

I did go to college a few years, but still haven't "finished"!  I used to tease Lauren that I would go back to school with her when she went.  I won't....she doesn't need to worry about that! dreams changed.  Now my only dreams are to be a full time wife and volunteer for the kid's school and their activities, to teach Bible classes and help teach others about Jesus.....and to write these blog posts!  My dreams are fulfilled!

So....Lauren, I know that whatever path God has for your life, you will always keep Him central in your life.  I am so thankful that God blessed us with YOU seventeen years ago.  You are an inspiration and an example to so many.  You are a positive and an encourager and a blessing to all who know you.  You are our beautiful daughter - on the inside, as well as on the outside.

Happy Birthday, Lauren! 

I love you, Mom

(FYI:  My children don't know this, but every birthday I have written them a letter.  Until I started this blog they were hand-written, but now I just use their birthday "post" as their letter.  I will give them all of their letters when they're older. (Not quite sure when just yet!)

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting "Shine Like Stars"! I appreciate your comments. Have a great day! Lori