Tuesday, October 18, 2011


ZEST!  Such a neat word!!  Kind of like SPARKLE that I wrote about here.  

Yesterday I needed some lemon zest for this cookie recipe I posted on my recipe blog (click HERE for recipe).  I was excited to get to use my favorite kitchen gadget - the MICROPLANE (shown above).  It's so fun and makes the "zesting" quick and easy. 

As I started getting the zest from the lemon yesterday, my husband commented on how strong the lemon was smelling.  I explained to him that the rind part was called zest and that a little bit of zest goes a long way in a recipe.  He agreed that from the smell, it wouldn't take much.  Later on, as the cookies baked, the thought of 'ZEST' kept coming back to my mind.

What does the word ZEST actually mean?  First, in regards to foods, it means flavor or interest; piquancy (which I also looked up and it means pleasantly pungent or tart in taste.  And the other definition, relating to a characteristic of a person is great enthusiasm and energy.

So ZEST means two different things, depending on whether it is referring to a food or to a person.  Just as zest adds tons of flavor to a recipe, zest adds tons of personality/character to a person.  Someone who has zest is someone who is excited and enthusiastic about a certain idea, thought, or mission.

As Christians, it is absolutely essential that we have ZEST - a zest for life, a zest for Christ, a zest for God, a zest for His church, a zest for our Christian walk, our service, and on and on.  We should be enthusiastic about our lives and have an energy about us that comes from the salvation we have because of what Jesus has done for us.  It should come from our commitment to God and our service to Him.  Sadly, instead of having a zestful attitude, we take the wrong approach and act as if we have nothing exciting to share.  

Maybe you recall a phrase I've mentioned before.  It has to do with lemons, so goes along with this ZEST post.  "Some people walk around looking like they were weaned on lemons!"  I'm sure I've had that look on my face before, too.  But we shouldn't.  None of us.  When we walk around with that look on our faces - all sour-faced and mopey - we look like we have no hope.  We act as if God isn't going to do what He says He will do.  Perhaps at that time we have forgotten what He has already done.  Something has to change if we're looking like we've been eating lemons or looking like we were weaned on them!

What can we do???  Here's a few thoughts:  
Let's get more ZEST in our lives! 
Let's be enthusiastic!  
Let's be energetic!  
Let's be excited about our salvation and share the Good News with others!

Yes - ZEST! Just what we needed!  Remember, even a little bit will go a long way!

(Note:  I thought a verse about 'zeal' would be great, because zeal means the same as zest!)  So....let's be zealous!

Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:10-12

1 comment:

Thank you for visiting "Shine Like Stars"! I appreciate your comments. Have a great day! Lori