Monday, January 10, 2011

The Imperfect, Perfect Snowman

Friday after school, I kept seeing Tyler's 2nd grade classmates come out of the building holding cute snowman posters.  I was looking for Tyler to see if he, too, had made a snowman.  Sure enough, her he came with the large poster in his hands.

As Tyler got into the car, I asked to see his snowman.  As he showed it to me, he said, "I didn't have time to put his eyes on."  His snowman was just a bunch of cotton balls that still resembled a snowman, but the balls were outside of the outline the teacher had made, as well as covering the snowman's scarf.  It was an imperfect snowman, but something still handmade by Tyler.  And of course, I looked forward to hanging it up on the back door, as we do each of the children's handmade arts projects.
When we got home, I decided to take a picture of Tyler's snowman.  He's just not really particular about art projects (in contrast to more important things in his opinion - such as sport's schedules!).  I thought he would enjoy seeing his project some day when he's older.  As I took the first picture, I noticed the snowman's hat.  It hat two Nike swoosh looking things.  Just like Tyler!  No time to put eyes on the project, but plenty of time to put the Nike swoosh on there (and two of them - one says BOOM!)
But then, I noticed something else on the snowman's hat. A Bible verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Prov. 3:5.  Tyler made his snowman without eyes, so the snowman can't see, but it appears that the snowman is far from imperfect. I think it's a perfect snowman, don't you?

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Thank you for visiting "Shine Like Stars"! I appreciate your comments. Have a great day! Lori