Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Finding Yourself

This morning as I was getting ready, I was thinking about my age - 41...almost 42.  So far I'm liking my 40's.  My children aren't babies any more, and though I sometimes wish I could go back to that time and rock them, now is such a fun time watching them learn and grow.  It's also good to have the early stages of parenting and discipline behind me.  They survived those years without too many bumps in the road, and so did my husband and I - major accomplishment! Yea for us! (I can't speak of the teenage years, just yet!)

So as I thought about these "Fabulous Forties", I began to think about how some people spend this time of their lives searching for more.  They spend the time they should be enjoying with their family and their friends, by trying to "find themselves".  They are looking and looking, but without success.

Then my mind began to wonder, I thought of the game "Hide and Seek".  Those who are looking for themselves are often playing "Hide and Seek".  The reason they never find themselves is often because they are hiding who they really are.  They are trying to "seek" something or someone that doesn't even exist.  They are looking for who they wish they were instead of who they really are.

When I think of a mature, Christian person, I think of someone who is sure of who they are, but not because of anything they, themselves, have done.  A mature, Christian person is sure of who they are because of what Christ has done for them.  They are confident in their salvation because of the wonderful grace and mercy of  God.  They have a hope that doesn't wane, but that is steadfast and unwavering.  Their hope is built on Christ Jesus.  Their confidence comes from the Heavenly home that is waiting for them in the end. They've found what others may still be searching for - Jesus!  They put their trust in the only One that will always be there - God!

Maybe you, too, are trying to find yourself.  Maybe you're in your 40's, 50's, or whatever age -and you are in a game of "Hide and Seek".  Here's some advice:  Quit playing games! Quit looking for someone who doesn't exist!  Be real.  Be genuine.  Look upward!

You will truly find yourself, when you find Jesus.

 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 6:7-8

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Thank you for visiting "Shine Like Stars"! I appreciate your comments. Have a great day! Lori