Monday, January 17, 2011

The Chronicles of Biscuit - A letter "To All Folks"

The Chronicles of Biscuit:  Stories about our youngest son, Tyler, whose nickname is Biscuit.
On Thanksgiving Day, as my husband and I sat eating dinner with family members at his parents' house, Biscuit brought us a letter he had written.  It was addressed "To all Folks"...
The body of the letter read as follows:
"We make mistakes but it's good to make them.  I'm not the person that you thank (his wording) I am.  The truth?  I am really a nice guy.  I was helping people but now I'm not.  People was (again, his wording) nice to me, but I wasn't nice to them."
And then the ending of his letter:  "I'm going to be better at evrything."

I think it was about this same time that Biscuit asked if I had noticed that he was being a smart aleck to others.  I said that I had noticed that he was being that way a little bit, but not a lot.  I told him we all have times when we're not as kind as we should be and we all have to work on it.

Biscuit's right. It is good for us to make mistakes sometimes. That's how we learn. That's how we grow.  And sometimes, that's how we learn to love others even more.

On this Gratituesday, I am grateful for Biscuit's tender heart and his sweet letter.  He hasn't mentioned it since then, and neither have I.  In fact, I had folded it up and put it in a basket.  I found it a few days ago. 
So sweet!

Join us for Gratituesday at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. Love that his heart is so in tune with what he "should" do. What a lesson to us all.


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