Monday, May 6, 2013

Oklahoma FFA State Convention 2013

WOW! What an exciting time it was at the Oklahoma FFA State Convention last week!  This year's theme was "Grow Like That", and the theme was carried throughout the two day event.
This year, for the first time and only time, our three oldest children attended the FFA Convention together.  The last year for our daughter and the first year for our third child (son).  It was pretty neat for me getting to be there, too! 
The State FFA Chorus was great again this year.  Sadly, our daughter didn't make it this year, as she had last year.  There were about 100 in the chorus and about 200 tried out to be in the chorus - so there were many that didn't make it.  What a great problem to have!!  So many talented singers in the Oklahoma FFA!  Our oldest son did make the chorus, but forfeited his place because of a regional golf tournament. 
The convention speakers were great this year, and I'm always amazed and inspired that the FFA organization doesn't shy away from Bible based principles.  In fact, EVERY speaker spoke of God and Jesus in their speech at some point.  That is AWESOME!  Brooks Gibbs (quote above and picture below) talked about how he was bullied as a child.
But the amazing part of his talk was how he told the teens to NOT be a victim any more.  He told them to stand up for themselves and not allow hurtful comments from others to keep them down forever.  It was great!  I am sure he inspired everyone in the convention hall.
A group called iLuminate performed several times and it was amazing to watch them!! This picture isn't good, but shows them lit up with lights as they danced.  They performed on "America's Got Talent", so if you're interested there are YouTube videos about the group.
Our oldest son and some friends went to the Devon Energy Center.  It is worth visiting, for sure!  Devon is a huge supporter of the Oklahoma FFA and welcomed the members to visit during the convention.
On the final night of the convention, the state officers entered the building kind of like the Duck Dynasty show's intro.  "Sharp Dressed Man" blared, laser lights flashed, and the vehicles transported the officered into the arena for their final duties.
The highest award that can be given at the state level is the State FFA Degree.  This year 751 seniors received the award.  This is our daughter receiving hers from State FFA President, Brandon Baumgarten.  This was the biggest group to get the award in a few years.  I think 1994 must have been a baby boom year or something!!
After the convention ended, our FFA group took time to take a picture together.  They spent the next day having a fun day in Oklahoma City, but the fun was squelched a bit by the cold front and high 30's temperatures!  

Lots of memories were made last week.....and lots of inspired members left OKC with dreams of "Growing Like That"!

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