Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our First Broken Bone - Wonderfully Made!

Around 9:15 p.m. last night, our 14 year old son, Jacob, was playing basketball and giving 100%, but trailing by over 40 points.  There were just a few minutes left in the game, so it wasn't a close game, but our team continued to play hard.  The opposing team shot and Jacob tried to steal the ball or interrupt the play going full speed.
(Jacob giving me a silly face so I could send a pic to his siblings at home.)

A mat covering a brick wall a few feet behind the goal, didn't do much to protect Jacob's arm as he went full speed into the mat - putting his arm out to help him slow down.  The speed and force broke Jacob's arm immediately.  He dropped to the ground.  My husband saw him drop, but thought it was his knees (Osgood Schlatter).  He said to me, "Jacob just got hurt!".  When we looked down the court we could see Jacob lying on the ground, holding up his right arm.  But the arm wasn't shaped like a regular arm.  The bottom of it was an "S" shape.  My husband and I jumped up, raced down the bleachers and across the court to Jacob.  The game was stopped and actually just called.  Everyone knew immediately that Jacob's break was pretty bad.  Arms aren't supposed to be "S" shaped!
The first thing Jacob said to me when I went to him was,  "Mom, don't look."  I said, "I already did," trying to stay calm, pray, and keep Jacob from worrying.  He was fine the whole time.  Our youngest boy (Biscuit) was with us.  He was crying.  He didn't like seeing his brother in pain or on the ground like that.  The first thing he said to Jacob was, "How are we going to play football?"  Sympathy came later.  The important thing at the time (to Biscuit) was the fact that Jacob's ball playing was over for a while.
The opposing team called nurses in their small town and the school officials called the ambulance.  The nurses did their best to immobilize Jacob's arm.  Jacob was transported to the nearest hospital where he was evaluated.   After x-rays, it was determined that Jacob needed more than just a cast, but would need surgery.  We wanted Jacob taken on to the hospital where my husband's orthopedic doctor was and where their pediatrician is located.  However, after talking with the doctor there, he felt like Jacob should be taken to a pediatric hospital in Oklahoma City.  That hospital was full with trauma patients (so sad) so he was taken to a different hospital in the City. My husband rode with him in the ambulance while I took Biscuit home to stay with his older siblings.  By then it was 12:30 a.m.

The ambulance arrived at the hospital about 3:15 a.m. and I got there at 3:45 a.m.  New x-rays were taken to compare with earlier ones.  I could tell when I walked in a saw Jacob's arm that it wasn't a bad "S" shape.  In fact, it didn't look very bad at all.  The x-ray showed the same thing - that the bones had naturally moved back into their natural position.  Still broken, but now no surgery was needed!  Praise God!  Isn't it amazing how He created our bodies so wonderfully?!?

Jacob's arm was splinted and around 5:00 a.m., we headed towards home....stopped to fill pain medicine prescriptions and to eat.  None of us had slept in almost 24 hours at that time.  Jacob would need to get a cast on within a week and sees the orthopedic doctor tomorrow.

It was amazing to watch Jacob.  He was never scared....never worried....never upset the whole time.  It was the first broken bone in our 18 years with our children. (My husband had a few - his first broken bones - several years ago.)  We've been very fortunate.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.
Psalm 139:14

Jacob wanted to go to school for a little while when he got home.  He wanted to take the test that he needed to, but also wanted to show his teammates and other kids, who had been at the game, that he was okay.  They were so glad to see him and hear about his interesting night.  

As Biscuit and I left the hospital last night, I told him I needed to cry for a few minutes.  He said okay.  Before that I had stayed totally calm, even though the site of the arm made my stomach turn.  I just didn't like leaving Jacob and knowing I wouldn't see him for several hours....and not sure if he would go right into surgery or what.  I also was sad that it was Thanksgiving week - a huge, tradition-filled week for our family.  I didn't want Jacob to have to miss any of it.  And now he won't.  Prayers were answered through those few moments of tears.

I didn't take a picture of Jacob right after he got hurt...with his "S" shaped arm and a swarm of people all around.  I thought that might make me look like a weird/strange/sad mom!  But now I really wish I had!  I think he'll wish I had too, someday.  So....if you EVER see something weird and think, "Should I take a picture?"  Do it!  You'll probably regret it if you don't!

We are so very thankful for all of the friends and fans of our team and the other team...plus the school officials, coaches, nurses, EMT's, and doctors that helped care for Jacob.  But God is the ultimate healer, and I believe that He worked in Jacob's life last night....and still is...to heal his arm.  And for that I am extremely thankful.  Prayers aren't always answered immediately.  Last night they were.  Thank you, God!

1 comment:

  1. O, what a night! So glad your prayers were answered and you had so much help, sounds like!


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