Thursday, June 9, 2011

Army of THE One - VBS (Part 4)

The last day of VBS (Thursday), was on the Armor of God.  I found a really cute coloring page to go with the scriptures (Ephesians 6:10-18) at (Here's the link for the color pages).  Thank you Mandi Groce for the cute artwork!!  I wrote and told her how I was using the color pages for VBS.
I copied the color pages onto transparent paper (as I did for all of my wall art) and put it onto an overhead projector, blowing it up and tracing it with a Sharpie onto the light brown paper.  Her artwork had a scrap-booky (not a word, I'm sure :) feel to it, which I really liked!
I did some gold glitter paint on each of the pieces of armor, just for added sparkle!!
I was really surprised at how well the children listened to these passages about the armor of God.  I wasn't sure it would be as interesting to them, but it was.  I began by talking to them about the first sin and how the devil tempted Eve.  This led into why we need this "spiritual armor".  Verse 11 of Ephesians 6 says, "Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."  I talked to the children about how the devil is trying to get us to follow him and not God and explained to them how each piece of "armor" would help us in that battle. 
We talked about how God's plan for salvation is His plan and how the devil doesn't want us to have that salvation.  We also talked about how we have the choice whether to do right or wrong...that the devil tempts us, but that he doesn't make us do things wrong.  We talked about how if we would look at evil (I probably said "bad things") in the world as being from Satan...the devil....then we would realize that God's power can help us win the battle.  That's good for us to all remember:  The "Battle Belongs to the Lord" as the song says!  I'm thankful that it does, aren't you?!
I looked for a snack that would go along with the "Armor of God", but couldn't find one.  I made this one up and it really turned out cute!  I've posted the "recipe" for this snack craft on our family recipe blog.  (Click here to go there.)
This is one of the children's versions of the "Armor of God" snack craft.
The rest of the time during that last day of VBS we spent making "armor" to help the children remember the story.  I'll admit that this was a little hectic!  I wasn't sure exactly what I was going to do about the breastplate and the shoes when we got there.  I should have had a lot more prep work done, but all in all, it worked out and it was just fine.  We finished in time (well, five minutes late :) for meeting back together to sing.  Not too bad!  The five minutes late part was because......
....I wanted a picture of everyone in their armor!  So cute and they seemed to enjoy it, too.  They also seemed to learn more about God, Jesus, and His Word, which is what VBS is all about!
Some people have come to my blog searching for Army VBS shirts.  I realized that I hadn't posted a close up.  Everyone is given a shirt when they come to VBS.  Such a neat keepsake!  I appreciate our elders for allowing us to do that each year!!
I've mentioned that my two oldest children were my helpers and that my youngest was actually in my class.  That is so special!  I only wish that my other middle son could have been in there, too.  He was in his last year of class as a VBS student.  Next year he CAN be my helper, but the youngest will move up.  He's excited, though, because he'll be in my mother-in-law's (Grammy's) class!!  Zachary (oldest son) also served as an unofficial junior VBS director.  He helped the director by making copies of the postcards and handing them out the last week of school, he led singing, and helped with enrollment.  Since he's wanting to be a youth minister when he grows up, this is great experience for him!
Daughter Lauren is such a great help in class every year!  I don't know what I'll do when she graduates in a few years.  Maybe she can still come home for VBS :).  She's great with kids, but also not afraid to get on to them if needed....and thankfully, we didn't need much of that this year! 
I have to thank my husband, Joe, too.  He does A LOT to help me with VBS.  He covers the walls every year just how I want them.  He moves in tables, chairs, etc.....then puts them all back.  The younger two boys help a lot, too, so thank you Jacob & Tyler!
So, a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to my family!  I appreciate you and love you all very much! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's a great way for the whole family to get involved!


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