Monday, June 6, 2011

Army of THE One - VBS 2011 (Part 2)

This post was started last week, but my computer had issues.  Would you believe that it was TOTALLY full and I couldn't save one more thing - certainly not any more pictures!  I know, I know, I shouldn't keep them all on my computer.  I'm working on that situation!  So, on to VBS - part 2....
Our Vacation Bible School (VBS) "Army of THE One" theme was made more authentic with this "real" camouflage netting.  Thank you, Kimberly C. for letting us borrow it!  It worked perfectly in the lobby.
This camo plastic was found at a party store.  The army man was ordered from Oriental Trading Co.  My husband, who claims to be a non-decorator actually decorated the auditorium area.  He did good, didn't he?  Several of us were startled by the army guy a few times - walking in thinking he was a real person!
A neat idea for Army decor....made by our VBS director, Gray.

The first day we learned about Joshua and the Battle of Jericho.  This is my "Jericho" wall.  The boxes were wrapped and added to the wall scene, but also served as a wall for the kids to act out the story outside.
The kids helped carried out the boxes, built them into a wall, and blew their trumpets as they marched around.  My two oldest children were my helpers for VBS.  Zachary served as the leader for the marching, holding up his hands for each day of the Bible story.  On the seventh day, as the scriptures tell us, they marched six times quietly then blew and shouted with a loud shout....
....and the Jericho wall fell down!  Of course, the kids had to push our wall down and had fun doing it!
I found this idea online (not sure where), but the kids really enjoyed it:  Divide the kids into two teams.  Ask questions about the story and the team must hold up "Yes" or "No" as a team answer.  Teams answering the question correctly get a domino.  At the end of the questions, each team builds a wall of dominoes and get to knock it down when they are done.
I found this cute "Joshua and the Battle of Jericho" snack craft idea.  Here's the "recipe" for it on my family recipe blog.
This is my son's version of the snack craft.  The kids had a choice between chocolate and vanilla icing and as I mentioned in the recipe, they used gummy bears.

On this GRATITUESDAY, I am grateful for VBS!  It's a great time for learning more about God, Jesus, and the Bible, but also a time for fun while learning.  Thank you to all the kids for coming and to the adults who brought them!  Thank you to everyone who helped.  It was a great week!

Join us for GRATITUESDAY at Heavenly Homemakers!


  1. Great idea for a VBS. May have to borrow the theme next year. It especially caught my attention since I am now officially an "army mom". My oldest enlisted last week. Still trying to digest it. :)

  2. It was a great theme! I'm going to post the other two lessons tomorrow night and Wednesday night and give ideas for activities. I think I would feel the same way you do becoming an army mom. In fact, I know I would! I certainly appreciate all of the men and women who dedicate their time/career life to serve our country, but that's the one thing that would cause me to worry and I'm not a worrier by nature! Tell your son thank you!!

  3. Love it! The internet is such a help for finding great ideas on a theme. The t-shirts and hats are cool, too! Glad it went well.

  4. Lori, Thank you for posting all the pictures. We are planning to do "Bible Boot Camp" Eph 6:11-18. This year we are going to try just a Saturday and Sunday VBS.
    You gave us so many ideas to work with.
    We are a small congregation.
    Thank you you are very talented.


Thank you for visiting "Shine Like Stars"! I appreciate your comments. Have a great day! Lori