Monday, January 24, 2011

Hidden Blessings

Each Christmas, I get my husband a devotional book...something that he can use in our nightly devotionals with our children.  This year's book is called "Jesus Calling - 365 Devotions for Kids" by Sarah Young.  The devotional thoughts so far have been great.  They're not very long, but they make excellent points directed to connect with the children (and us adults) and make us think about our every day walk with the Lord.

I would like to share with you the devotional from January 22:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

Learn to trust Me in all situations - the tough ones, as well as the easy ones.  Trust Me when you don't understand what's going on.  Trust Me when everything seems to be spinning out of control.  Trust Me when you feel like you are all alone and no one understands.  I understand.

Don't waste your time thinking about how things should have been.  Don't try to run away.  Start right this minute - accepting things exactly as they are - and search for My way through your challenges.  Learn to look for the blessings and the opportunities I have hidden in those difficulties.  Trust Me and lean on Me.  I love you, and I will never let you down.

Read on your own:  Psalm 52:8

Remember all of the Hidden Blessings from the Lord as you go through this week!

1 comment:

  1. Timely for me today! I love the explanation, trust Me when everything seems to be spinning out of control. Heard several bits of depressing news this weekend and it gets me down. Interestingly enough, it was counteracted by a wonderful Sunday service, 4 baptisms, and a special Sunday night WOW time.


Thank you for visiting "Shine Like Stars"! I appreciate your comments. Have a great day! Lori