Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A Funny Thing

I was cleaning off my desk and found some little poems and sayings that were my Grandma Sibyl's.  Thought I would share one of them with you for today!

Author Unknown

It is a funny thing, but true,
That folks you don't like, don't like you;
I don't know why this should be so,
But just the same I always know
If I am "sour" friends are few;
If I am friendly, folks are, too.
Sometimes, I get up in the morn
A-wishing I was never born;
I make of cross remarks a few,
And then my family wishes, too,
That I had gone some other place
Instead of showing them my face.
But let me change my little "tune",
And sing and smile, then pretty soon
The folks around me sing and smile;
I guess 'twas catching all the while.
Yes, 'tis a funny thing, but true,
The folks you like all sure like you.

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