Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Adventures of a Red Minivan

Last Friday, June 18, my four kids and I left Tipton, OK, in our red minivan and headed towards Stephenville, Texas.  We we going there to meet my husband's brother and his two children for lunch, but also to switch out a few of the kiddos for a week.
Along the way to Stephenville, TX, we saw a lot of interesting sights.
Metal cutouts of horses, etc...
A downtown carnival...just like we used to have in my hometown of Eldorado, OK.
....brought back lots of great childhood memories...
Road construction...
A metal giraffe...
Metal elephants...
A metal zebra...
About five miles north of Mineral Wells, TX, the kids and I heard what sounds like a helicopter.  We all looked out the window to see what was making the loud noise, but I quickly realized we had a blow out on a tire.  We pulled over on the side of the highway. 
Although we were out in the country, there was some sort of barn across the highway that appeared to be some time of business....although there was no sign.  I sent my two oldest children across to ask for help while I stayed by the van and with the younger two.  It wasn't long before Lauren and Zachary came back with a name and phone number of someone to call for help.  We are GRATEFUL for the three woman that helped in the barn and who gave the name and number of the automotive shop.
Tyler and Jacob kept busy playing in the back seat during the whole time we were stranded.  They didn't seem to mind one bit!

Very soon the man from Jacksboro, came and looked at the tire.  He worked to get the spare out, but the jack wasn't big enough. He took the damaged tire into town and soon came back with a brand new tire.  He had it on the van in no time and didn't charge an outlandish price, either.  We are GRATEFUL for this man and for his business.  I think it was T & G Automotive and it was located in Jacksboro, TX. 

So, there were were....back in the red minivan and on to another adventure!  Instead of meeting in Stephenville, we decided to meet in Marble Falls, TX.  We ate great Mexican food at Pulidos and switched some of the children.
Soon we were on our way back to Oklahoma!  Our minivan adventures continued as we saw other sights along the way.  Above is a picture of a neat, abandoned hotel.
A beautiful Post Office building...
A pickup "billboard"!!
Lots and lots of old rusty tractors.  Kind of neat looking all in a row!
And camels.  What???  You mean you don't see camels driving done the road where you live???  A strange sight, isn't it?  These are actually west of Wichita Falls, TX.

We made it home safely and saw many wonderful things along the journey.  Thank you, God, for the adventures in the red minivan!  The next day, the red minivan took another adventure to get three more new tires!  (Thanks to my husband!)

Join us for Gratituesday @ Heavenly Homemakers.

1 comment:

  1. gotta love OK and Texas sights! Glad it all worked out with the flat tire!


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