Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Snowman Christmas Party 2016

The elementary Christmas party for 2016 was a snowman theme.  It was "snow" much fun!  Each elementary student, as well as several junior high and high school students, were able to get their picture taken with Frosty.  This junior high student was as tall as Frosty!
The students traveled around to different stations doing lots of fun activities.  
 This activity taught them how to make fake snow using shaving cream, baking soda, and glitter.  Adding vinegar to the mix made the snow erupt!
 They played snow games.....throwing snowballs into buckets for points, relays creating snowmen with toilet paper, and other snow themed games.
 They made a snowman ornament.
 These are easily done with paint stir sticks, but this year we bought the little kits with everything included from Oriental Trading.
They heard snowman stories in the reading center.
And decorated their own cookie for their party.
 When the students ate their decorated cookie at lunch, they drank snow punch.  Here's the link for the punch.  It's so good!
 Tablecloths and paper sacks with tissue decorated the cafeteria for party time.
 The punch was served from the adorable snowman punchbowl I bought several years ago.

It was a great party and the students had a lot of fun!

Monday, March 20, 2017

Christmas 2016

I really thought this had already been published, but see that it hasn't.  Even though it's really late, I want to publish it as part of my family's online scrapbook - for the memories to be saved for myself and the children to read later on if they want to.

On the first Friday of Christmas Break, we went to Oklahoma City. Our daughter was traveling with the college basketball team to broadcast, so couldn't be with us, but our oldest son met us after his classes, then began his Christmas Break by coming back home with us.  We spent time at Bricktown, which was beautiful all lit up.

We ate at Legacy Grill, formerly "KD's". It had the same menu as KD's, so was still delicious.

We played mini-golf at the new-to-us "Brickopolois".  That is such a fun addition to Bricktown! The weather was perfect!  I lost, unfortunately, but not unexpectedly. :)

After Christmas our family went to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area for a quick trip. Reading and seeing the history of this area was very interesting.

We toured downtown Ft. Worth, stopping for a Starbucks treat.

We toured the stock yards, which was really interesting.

We went to the "Ice" carvings at the Gaylord Texan.  The theme this year was "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". It was beautiful, as usual!

It was cold, too! VERY cold!

The work these ice carvers do is just amazing!

We slid down the ice slide.

And toured the Gaylord Atrium.  So pretty.

Like everything in Texas, the Christmas decor was bigger than life size.  It was huge!

Special memories of time with family this Christmas of 2016.  It will most likely be the last Christmas we will be together for this amount of time, just because our oldest will be working full-time next year.  It was bittersweet.  So thankful for these special times together and for the photos we have to remember them.

Monday, March 13, 2017


This is such a great article.  I haven't asked permission to post it, so am just sharing the link that goes directly to this man's blog.  Please take the time to read it.  Click HERE.