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Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Chronicles of Biscuit - Just Be Yourself

The Chronicles of Biscuit:  Stories about our youngest son, Tyler, whose nickname is Biscuit.

Tonight, just as Biscuit was getting ready to go to bed, he asked me if he could talk to me alone.  Of course, I said yes.  He started telling me about the story they are reading this week in his 3rd grade reader.  He said it was about an eagle who was raised on a chicken farm, so he thought he was a chicken.  (Biscuit said it was of the folklore genre, if you wanted to know! :)  Anyway, he said with this type of story, there was always a moral to the story.  The moral in the end was:  JUST BE YOURSELF.

Biscuit went on talking, "I needed this story. It taught me a lesson.  Sometimes I try to be like other people, when I should just be myself."  Interestingly, I've actually had that same conversation with him recently (Example:  The young golfer, Ricky Fowler, wears Puma hats/clothes, Biscuit wants Puma hat/clothes....and other things like that.), but apparently either I didn't do a good job explaining what I meant, or Biscuit just wasn't ready to learn the lesson at the time!

Sometimes it's good for kids to learn a lesson from somewhere else, isn't it?  Because, in this case, it wasn't someone instructing him and teaching him by words.  This time he learned by reading and figuring it out all on his own.  He'll remember this lesson even more because he came to the conclusion that he needed it all by himself.

Good job, Biscuit!  I'm proud of you!  As the saying goes, "Just be yourself.  Everyone else is already taken."

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